Maturing, The 1900’s Forward
Electrification, moving forward 1924
“Switching on the lights“
1-75 h.p Fairbank’s Morse Type ‘Y’ semi-diesel oil engine. ‘To Mrs. C. N. Hannaford with the compliments of Fairbanks – Morse Co. (Australia) Ltd. Framed photo presented to the Mayoress Mrs Margaret Hannaford on 23/01/1924. Switching on of electricity to Campbelltown on that date. 1-75 HP Fairbanks Morse ‘Y semi-diesel oil engine, 60KVA alternator plus 37HP 30KVA alternator at the Municipal Power House Campbelltown’

The Swann Family c 1920
Tom Swann was a photographer, orchardist, farmer. His family property “Ferndale” at Wedderburn was well known.
Left to right: Tom Swann, Rev.R.Bourne Garner, Tom Jnr, Mrs Swann, Heather, Joseph Swann, Mrs Garner, Garner twins (on bike and r.h.front), Jean Swann (l.h.front). Rev. Garner was the Presbyterian minister.

Water To Sydney
With the construction of dams on the Nepean river, a canal was needed to move the water to the population. Construction of the canal through property owned by George Nicol at Appin.
Inscription on original photograph reads: ‘To Mr. Nicol with J. Walter Grimshaw’s compliments. Xmas Dec. 1881’ J.Walter Grimshaw was the Civil Engineer.

Cataract Dam Construction
The Cataract Dam would provide water for the growing Sydney region including Campbelltown. The fact that it was built near this district meant work as well as water. The dam was completed 1907. It was constructed of Basalt concrete faced sandstone blocks. The wall is 811 feet across, 684 feet high, 156 feet wide at the base and 16 feet at top.